Tuesday, 4 March 2014

autobography of a coin

Well,all i can say is that my life was the best life a coin could ever have. My life was not that of a normal one. Okay so let me start telling you the story.
Well it all started in the year 1892. I was made in a coin factory . I was a newly made coin and I was kept with a bunch of other coins. I knew I was going to be passed around,so the following night i made a run for it. I had always wanted to sail the seven seas. I ran for the docks and reached there in a few minutes. But the problem was that i did'nt know how to sail a motorboat. Just then i saw a toolshed in the distance and  i got an idea , i could make my own!
Finally i made it . I threw it in the sea and jumped on. After a few hours i was 1 mile away from the docks when a nasty wind blew . I knew a gale was going to come in . And sure enough it did. I was drenched. In the distance i saw a whrilpool. It was pulling us towards it and we went straight into it!
We were somewhere deep in  the sea. I swam up to the top, found my boat and continued my journey.
Well it was one storm at sea but eventually i did cross the 7 seas and now many adventures await!

Thursday, 18 April 2013

The haunted house

Hi! My name is Ben. I live in Washington DC. My house is located near a house which is said to be haunted. They say that the people who used to live over there were all murdered in the middle of the night by an unexpected guest who was staying over.
One day my friends, Daniel and Michael had come home to play and so we decided to go to the haunted house.
The house looked old.I saw the graves of the people who had died. We went inside the house. The house was filled with cob webs. We saw a flight of stairs and climbed up. To our astonishment we saw the ghosts of the people who were murdered. We ran into a room and locked the door behind us.
On the walls we saw paintings and blood and then again the ghosts appeared in front of us. It looked like they were trying to kill us so we ran away from the room right out of the haunted house.
We were totally spooked.My friends and I decided not to tell anyone about what we saw. And we decided never to go back .

Monday, 15 April 2013

Story of sharp strings and innocent birds

I love flying kites. Each year my family and I go to my father's friend's terrace to fly beautiful, colourful kites.
This year after flying kites,I was at home looking outside my window as I could hear alot of bird's making loud noises.
Soon I found out that one birds leg was caught in a kite string hanging on the tree. I called my mother as I felt very sad for the bird.
My mother called the fire fighting department. They came in their big red fire engine and  opened a
 tall ladder . The firemen climbed up the tree and saved the bird. I felt very happy but it is sad that kite strings can hurt birds. Next time, I will not use sharp strings to fly kites.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

My life as an athlete

This story is trying to tell you that an athlete's life is not easy.

Being an athlete is not as easy as you think. Well, I thought that it was really really easy,but when I started training it was pretty hard as I realized that it involves alot of discipline.I wanted to be an athlete since I won a gold medal on sports day in third grade.

 I got the inspiration from the world's fastest runner Usain Bolt. My coaches name is Mr Cyril D'souza. He is an awesome coach. Coach and my parents made me see that I have some real speed and can become a great short distance runner.

In my first competition I lost in the semi finals. In my second competition I came fifth in the finals and in my third competition I came fourth in the finals and became the fourth fastest boy
under ten in the city of Mumbai.

You know I have heard that behind every athlete there are loving parents. Actually that is really true because my parents really do help me. I really hope that I become the world's fastest runner
and someday maybe I even get to meet my hero Usain Bolt!   + 

Friday, 12 April 2013

The magic school race

Hello! My name is Leo. I go to a  school named Magic High. Tomorrow is our magic school race and I am very excited. In the magic race you can design your own chariots.You can also use weapons to block the opponents.This is the most popular event in our school.

Finally the day of the race came. In all my previous races I had come second. Then all the racers lined  up for the race. On your mark. Set. GO!  All the racers charged. I was on the seventh position.
I threw four  javelins at a time and shifted to the third position.

Now I needed to get to first position. I overtook the guy on the second position as I neared the curve. 
As I neared the guy on the first position he tried to block me, but I didn't give up . I used my metal bat and threw it at his cart. His cart collapsed and I shifted to the first position! I crossed the finish line . It was a happy moment. My parents and realitives congratulated me. I went home with a gold medal clinging on my neck.   

Hello everyone!

Hello everybody! My name is Manav. My sister, Kiara, and I have set up this blog to share our  stories and musings. Hope you enjoy it!