Friday, 12 April 2013

The magic school race

Hello! My name is Leo. I go to a  school named Magic High. Tomorrow is our magic school race and I am very excited. In the magic race you can design your own chariots.You can also use weapons to block the opponents.This is the most popular event in our school.

Finally the day of the race came. In all my previous races I had come second. Then all the racers lined  up for the race. On your mark. Set. GO!  All the racers charged. I was on the seventh position.
I threw four  javelins at a time and shifted to the third position.

Now I needed to get to first position. I overtook the guy on the second position as I neared the curve. 
As I neared the guy on the first position he tried to block me, but I didn't give up . I used my metal bat and threw it at his cart. His cart collapsed and I shifted to the first position! I crossed the finish line . It was a happy moment. My parents and realitives congratulated me. I went home with a gold medal clinging on my neck.   

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