Tuesday, 4 March 2014

autobography of a coin

Well,all i can say is that my life was the best life a coin could ever have. My life was not that of a normal one. Okay so let me start telling you the story.
Well it all started in the year 1892. I was made in a coin factory . I was a newly made coin and I was kept with a bunch of other coins. I knew I was going to be passed around,so the following night i made a run for it. I had always wanted to sail the seven seas. I ran for the docks and reached there in a few minutes. But the problem was that i did'nt know how to sail a motorboat. Just then i saw a toolshed in the distance and  i got an idea , i could make my own!
Finally i made it . I threw it in the sea and jumped on. After a few hours i was 1 mile away from the docks when a nasty wind blew . I knew a gale was going to come in . And sure enough it did. I was drenched. In the distance i saw a whrilpool. It was pulling us towards it and we went straight into it!
We were somewhere deep in  the sea. I swam up to the top, found my boat and continued my journey.
Well it was one storm at sea but eventually i did cross the 7 seas and now many adventures await!

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